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And there shall come to be, in that day, declareth Yahweh, The noise of an outcry from the fish-gate, and of a howling out of the new city, - and of a great crashing, from the hills.

This, is the city exultant, that sat secure, that said in her heart, I, am ! and no one besides! How hath she become a desolation! a lair of beasts, every one passing, by her doth hiss, shaketh his hand.

She hath hearkened to no voice, accepted no correction; in Yahweh, hath not trusted, to her God, hath not drawn near:

Yahweh, the Righteous One, is in her midst, he dealeth not perversely, - Morning by morning, his justice, bringeth he forth the light, He is not found lacking, but the perverse man knoweth no shame.