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Gather yourselves together, yea, gather together, O nation that has no shame.

Woe to the inhabitants of the seacoast, the nation of the Cherethites! The word of LORD is against you, O Canaan, the land of the Philistines. I will destroy thee, that there shall be no inhabitant.

LORD in the midst of her is righteous. He will not do iniquity. Every morning he brings his justice to light. He does not fail, but the unjust man knows no shame.

I have cut off nations. Their battlements are desolate. I have made their streets waste, so that none passes by. Their cities are destroyed, so that there is no man, so that there is no inhabitant.

In that day thou shall not be put to shame for all thy doings, in which thou have transgressed against me. For then I will take away out of the midst of thee those who rejoice in thy pride, and thou shall no more be haughty in my h