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And when ye bring near the blind as a sacrifice, saying - No harm! or when ye bring near the lame or the sick saying - No harm! Offer it, I pray you, unto thy pasha, Will he accept thee? or lift up thy countenance? saith Yahweh of hosts.

Now, therefore, pacify, I pray you, the face of GOD, that he may grant us favour, - at your hands, hath this come to pass, Will he lift up the countenances, of any of you? saith Yahweh of hosts.

Who is there, even among you, that will shut the doors, so as not to set light to mine altar, for nothing? I can take no pleasure in you, saith Yahweh of hosts, and, your present, can I not accept at your hand.

Now, therefore, for you, is this charge, O ye priests: -

So shall ye know that I sent unto you this charge, - as being my covenant with Levi, saith Yahweh of hosts.

Therefore, I also, will suffer you to be despised and of no account unto all the people, - in proportion as none of you have been keeping my ways, but have had respect to persons, in giving your deliverance.

Now was it not, One, who made you who had, the residue of the spirit? What, then, of that One? He was seeking a godly seed. Therefore should ye take heed to your spirit, and, with the wife of thy youth, do not thou deal treacherously.

Bring ye all the tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house, Yea, I pray you, put me to the proof hereby, saith Yahweh of hosts, whether I will not open to you the sluices of the heavens, and pour out for you blessing, until there be no room.

Now, therefore, we are pronouncing happy - the proud, - and, the doers of lawlessness have, even been built up, and, they who have put God to the proof, have even been delivered.