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And I pray that your participation in the Faith may result in action, as you come to a fuller realization of everything that is good and Christlike in us.

I have indeed found great joy and encouragement in your love, knowing, as I do, how the hearts of Christ's People have been cheered, brother, by you.

Yet the claims of love make me prefer to plead with you--yes, even me, Paul, though I am an ambassador for Christ Jesus and, now a prisoner for him as well.

Once he was of little service to you, but now he has become of great service, not only to you, but to me as well;

But I do not wish to do anything without your consent, because I want your generosity to be voluntary and not, as it were, compulsory.

No longer as a slave, but as something better--a dearly loved Brother, especially dear to me, and how much more so to you, not only as your fellow man, but as your fellow Christian!

If, then, you count me your friend, receive him as you would me.

Even as I write, I have such confidence in your compliance with my wishes, that I am sure that you will do even more than I am asking.