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For she dwelling in bitterness was anxious for good: but evil came down from Jehovah to the gate of Jerusalem.

Aforetime my people for the enemy: he will raise them up from before the garment; ye will put off the wide cloak from those passing by with confidence, turning back the war.

And who ate the flesh of my people, and they stripp off their skin from off them; and they brake their bones in pieces, and separated as for the pot, and as flesh in the midst of the kettle.

And he judged between many peoples, and he admonished to strong nations even to far off; and they beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning-knives: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, and they shall no more learn war.

The nations shall see and be ashamed from all their strength: they shall put the hand upon the mouth, their ears shall be deaf.