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But, whether we are in tribulation, it is for your encouragement and salvation; whether we are encouraged, it is for your encouragement, which worketh inwardly by the endurance of the same sufferings which, we also, suffer; -

For we do not wish you to be ignorant, brethren, as to our tribulation which happened in Asia, - that, exceedingly, beyond power, were we weighed down, so that we despaired, even of life.

According as ye have also acknowledged us, in part, - that, your theme of boasting, we are, even indeed as, ye, also shall be , ours, in the day of our Lord Jesus.

And, by your means, to pass into Macedonia, and, again, from Macedonia, to come unto you, and, by you, be set forward unto Judea: -

This, then, being my purpose, perhaps, after all, with lightness, I dealt with the matter ? or, the things that I purpose, according to the flesh, I purpose, - that, with me, should be the Yea, yea, and the Nay, nay?

For, how many soever be the promises of God, in him, is the Yea, - wherefore also, through him, be the Amen, unto God, for glory, through us.

Not that we have lordship over your faith, but are, helpers, of your joy, for, by your faith, ye stand.

For, out of much tribulation and anguish of heart, wrote I unto you, through many tears, - not that ye might be grieved, but that, the love, ye might know, which I have very abundantly unto you.

Sufficient, unto such a one, the punishment itself which was inflicted by the many;

Manifesting yourselves that ye are a letter of Christ, ministered by us, - inscribed - not with ink, but with the Spirit of a Living God, not in tablets of stone, but in tablets which are hearts of flesh.

But, if, the ministry of death, in letters engraven in stones, was brought into existence with glory, so that the sons of Israel could not look steadfastly into the face of Moses, by reason of the glory of his face - which glory was to be done away,

How shall not, rather, the ministry of the Spirit, be with glory?

For that which hath been made glorious, hath not even been made glorious, in this respect, - by reason of the surpassing glory.

For, if that which was to be done away was brought in with glory, much more, that which is to abide, is in glory.

And are not just like Moses, who kept putting a veil upon his face, so that the sons of Israel should not look steadily unto the end of that which was to be done away.

Howbeit we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that, the surpassing greatness of the power, may be of God, and not from ourselves: -

For, evermore, we, the living, unto death are being delivered, for Jesus' sake, in order that, the life also of Jesus, may be made manifest in our mortal flesh:

Although, indeed, even clothing ourselves, we shall not be found, naked; -

And verily, we who are in the tent, do sigh, being weighed down, while yet we are not wishing to unclothe ourselves, but to clothe ourselves over, - in order that, what is mortal, may be swallowed up, by life.

Wherefore also we are ambitious - whether at home, or away from home, to be, well-pleasing unto him.

Giving, no single, occasion of stumbling, in anything, that the ministry be not blamed;

Howbeit, by way of the like recompense - as, unto children, I speak, be enlarged, even, ye.

And what agreement hath a shrine of God with idols? For, we, are the shrine of a God, that liveth: - even as God hath said - will dwell in them, and walk, and will be their God, and, they, shall be my people.

Not, however, by his presence alone, but also by the encouragement wherewith he had been encouraged over you: recounting unto us your earnest desire, your lamentation, your zeal in my behalf. So that I the more rejoiced.

Because, if I even grieved you by the letter, I do not regret, - though I could even have regretted, - I see that that letter, if even for an hour, did cause you grief.

For lo! this very thing - the being caused to grieve, according to God: - what manner of diligence it wrought out in you, - nay! defence, - nay! sore displeasure, - nay! fear, - nay! earnest desire, - nay! jealousy, - nay! avenging. In every way, ye shewed yourselves to be, chaste, in the matter.

That, if in anything - unto him - in your behalf - I have boasted, I have not been put to shame; but, as, all things, in truth, we told you, so, even our boasting before Titus, turned out to be, truth.

Not by way of injunction, do I speak, but through, others', earnestness, and, the genuineness of your own love, putting to the test.

Howbeit, now, the doing also, complete ye, in order that, even according to the forwardness of the desiring, so, may be the completing - out of what ye have.

For, not that unto others should be relief, and unto you distress do I speak , but, by equality, in the present season, your surplus for their deficiency, -

Not only so, however, but he hath also been appointed by the assemblies, as a fellow-traveler with us in this favour, which is being ministered by us with a view to the Lord's glory and our earnest desire: -

Arranging this - lest anyone, upon us, should cast blame, in this munificence which is being ministered by us;

Moreover we have set forward, with them, our brother whom we have proved, in many things, ofttimes, earnest, - but, now, much more earnest, by reason of the great confidence which he hath towards you.

For, indeed, concerning the ministry which is for the saints, it is, superfluous for me, to be writing to you;

Nevertheless I have sent the brethren, that, our boast in your behalf, be not made void, in this respect, that, even as I was saying, ye may be prepared, -

Lest by any means, if there should come with me Macedonians, and find you unprepared, we, - not to say, ye, - should be put to shame in this confidence.

Necessary, therefore, I regarded it, to exhort the brethren that they would go forward unto you, and make up beforehand your previously-promised blessing. The same, to be ready - thus, as a blessing, and not as of constraint.

Themselves also, with supplication on your behalf, longing after you, by reason of the surpassing favour of God resting upon you: -

I entreat, however, that, when present, I may not be bold with the assurance wherewith I think to be daring against some who account of us as though, according to flesh, we were walking, -

And when we hold ourselves, in readiness, to avenge all disobedience, as soon as your obedience shall be fulfilled!

That I may not seem as though I would be terrifying you through means of my letters;

Not, as to the things without measure, boasting ourselves in other men's toils, but having, hope - your faith, growing - among you, to be enlarged, according to our limit for something beyond, -

Or, a sin, did I commit - abasing, myself, that, ye, might be exalted, - in that, free of charge, God's glad-message, I announced unto you?

Truth of Christ is in me, that, this boasting, shall not be silenced unto me, in the regions of Achaia.

But, what I am doing, I also will do, - that I may cut off the occasion of them who are wishing an occasion, that, wherein they are boasting themselves, they may be found even as also, we.

No great thing, therefore, if, his ministers also, are transfiguring themselves as ministers of righteousness! - whose end, shall be according to their works.

Again, I say - let no one deem me to be, foolish; but, otherwise, at least, as foolish, give me welcome, that, I also, some little, may boast myself.

By way of disparagement, am I speaking, - as though, we, had been weak! whereas, in whatsoever anyone dareth, in foolishness I speak, I also, dare: -

In journeyings oft, in perils of rivers, in perils of robbers, in perils from my own race, in perils from Gentiles, in perils in the city, in perils in the desert, in perils by the sea, in perils among false brethren,

To be boasting, is needful, - it is not, indeed, profitable, yet will I come to visions and revelations of the Lord: -

Although in fact, if I should wish to boast, I shall not be foolish, for, the truth, would I speak; but I forbear, lest anyone, unto me, should reckon above what he beholdeth me to be , or heareth from me, - even by the exceeding greatness of the revelations.

I have become foolish, - ye, compelled me: - I, in fact, ought, by you, to have been commended; for, not a whit, have I come behind the exceeding overmuch apostles, - even if I am nothing:

For what is there wherein ye were made inferior to the rest of the assemblies, - save that, I myself, would not allow myself to be a burden unto you? Forgive me this wrong!

But let it be! - I, myself, did not burden you, - Notwithstanding, being crafty, with guile, I caught you?

For I fear - lest, by any means, when I come, not such as I wish, should I find you, and, I, should be found by you, such as ye do not wish; - lest, by any means, I should find strife, jealousy, outbursts of wrath, factions, railings, whisperings, puffed up pretensions, confusions; -

This third time, am I coming unto you: - at the mouth of two witnesses, or three, shall every matter be established.

Be trying, yourselves, whether ye are in the faith, be putting, yourselves, to the test! Or do ye not recognise yourselves, seeing that, Jesus Christ, is in you, - unless perhaps ye fail in the testing.

But we pray unto God, that ye may do nothing base, - not that, we, may appear, accepted, but that, ye, the honourable thing, may be doing, even though, we, should be, as it were, rejected;