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For we would not have you ignorant, brethren, of the tribulation which came to us in Asia, that above measure we have been burdened beyond our strength, so that we despaired even of life:

Who from so imminent a prospect of death hath delivered us, and still delivers: in whom we trust also that he will yet deliver us:

I had no test in my spirit on my not finding there Titus my brother: so taking my leave of them I went forth unto Macedonia.

For if the ministry of death in letters graven on stone, was attended with glory, so that the children of Israel could not keep their eyes fixed upon the countenance of Moses, because of the glory of his countenance, though [soon] evanescent;

Wherefore from the present moment know we no man after the flesh: yea though we have also known Christ after the flesh, yet so henceforth know we him no more.

and not by his coming only, but also by the consolation wherewith he had been comforted among you, declaring to us your fervent desire, your mourning, your zeal for me, so that I rejoiced the more.

For if I have boasted of you to him in any thing, I am not ashamed; but as we have spoken all things to you in truth, so our boasting of you to Titus hath been found truth.

So that we exhorted Titus, that as he had been active before, so also he would perfect in you this grace also.

So as ye abound in every thing, in faith, and elocution, and knowledge, and in all diligence, and in your love to us, see that ye abound in this grace also.

and not only so, but who was chosen by the churches as my fellow-traveller with this charity, ministered by us to the glory of the same Lord, and [to shew] your ready mind.

Lest haply if the Macedonians come with me, and find you unprepared, we (not to say, you) may be confounded in this confidence of boasting. I

Regard ye the things that are personal? If any man is confident in himself that he is Christ's, let him reflect again in himself, that as he is Christ's, so are we Christ's.

For his letters indeed, say they, are weighty and forcible, but his bodily presence is feeble, and his speech contemptible.

not boasting ourselves unmeasurably in other men's labours; but having hope that when your faith is increased, we shall be enlarged by you according to our rule for more abundant usefulness,

to preach the gospel in the regions beyond you, and not to arrogate glory in another man's line for things already prepared.

Are they Hebrews? so am I. Are they Israelites? so am I. Are they the seed of Abraham? so am I.

in journeyings often, in perils of rivers, in perils of robbers, in perils from my own countrymen, in perils from the heathen, in perils in the city, in perils in the desert, in perils on the sea, in perils among false brethren;