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As we have said before, even now, again, I say: If anyone is announcing unto you a glad-message aside from that which ye accepted, accursed, let him be!

Moreover, from them who were reputed to be something, - whatsoever at one time, they were, maketh no difference to me, God accepteth not a man's person, - unto me, in fact, they who were of repute added nothing further;

But, on the contrary, - when they saw that I had been entrusted with the glad-message to the uncircumcision, even as, Peter, with that to the circumcision,

And the rest of the Jews alsoused hypocrisy with him, so that, even Barnabas, was carried away by their hypocrisy.

But, when I saw that they were not walking with straightforwardness as regardeth the truth of the glad-message, I said unto Cephas, before all: If, thou, although, a Jew, like them of the nations, and not like the Jews, dost live, how dost thou compel, them of the nations, to live like Jews?

Brethren! in human fashion, am I speaking: yet still, a man's confirmed covenant, no one setteth aside or addeth unto:

And, this, I say - a covenant previously confirmed by God, the law which, after four hundred and thirty years, hath been brought into being, doth not annul, so as to do away with the promise.

So that, the law, hath proved, our tutor, training us, for Christ, in order that, by faith, we might be declared righteous;

See! I, Paul, say unto you - if ye be getting circumcised, Christ will profit you, nothing.

envyings, drunkenness, revellings; - and such things as these: as to which I forewarn you, even as I have forewarned you, - that, they who such things as these do practise, shall not inherit, God's kingdom.

See! with what large letters, unto you, I have written, with my own hand: -