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To know [skillful and godly] wisdom and instruction;
To discern and comprehend the words of understanding and insight,

That prudence (good judgment, astute common sense) may be given to the naive or inexperienced [who are easily misled],
And knowledge and discretion (intelligent discernment) to the youth,

To understand a proverb and a figure [of speech] or an enigma with its interpretation,
And the words of the wise and their riddles [that require reflection].

If they say, “Come with us;
Let us lie in wait to shed blood,
Let us ambush the innocent without cause;

For wisdom’s profit is better than the profit of silver,
And her gain is better than fine gold.

That you may exercise discrimination and discretion (good judgment),
And your lips may reserve knowledge and answer wisely [to temptation].

For the lips of an immoral woman drip honey [like a honeycomb]
And her speech is smoother than oil;

Therefore [the crushing weight of] his disaster will come suddenly upon him;
Instantly he will be broken, and there will be no healing or remedy [because he has no heart for God].

A proud look [the attitude that makes one overestimate oneself and discount others], a lying tongue,
And hands that shed innocent blood,

That they may keep you from the immoral woman,
From the foreigner [who does not observe God’s laws and] who flatters with her [smooth] words.

“So I came out to meet you [that you might share with me the feast of my offering],
Diligently I sought your face and I have found you.

Until an arrow pierced his liver [with a mortal wound];
Like a bird fluttering straight into the net,
He did not know that it would cost him his life.

“Take my instruction rather than [seeking] silver,
And take knowledge rather than choicest gold,

“For wisdom is better than rubies;
And all desirable things cannot compare with her.

“My fruit is better than gold, even pure gold,
And my yield is better than choicest silver.

That I may cause those who love me to inherit wealth and true riches,
And that I may fill their treasuries.

When He set for the sea its boundary
So that the waters would not transgress [the boundaries set by] His command,
When He marked out the foundations of the earth—

But he does not know that the spirits of the dead are there,
And that her guests are [already] in the depths of Sheol (the nether world, the place of the dead).

There is the one who [generously] scatters [abroad], and yet increases all the more;
And there is the one who withholds what is justly due, but it results only in want and poverty.

Better is he who is lightly esteemed and has a servant,
Than he who [boastfully] honors himself [pretending to be what he is not] and lacks bread.

The [reverent] fear of the Lord [that leads to obedience and worship] is a fountain of life,
So that one may avoid the snares of death.

Wisdom rests [silently] in the heart of one who has understanding,
But what is in the heart of [shortsighted] fools is made known.

The [chosen] path of life leads upward for the wise,
That he may keep away from Sheol (the nether world, the place of the dead) below.

The ear that listens to and learns from the life-giving rebuke (reprimand, censure)
Will remain among the wise.

It is better to be humble in spirit with the lowly
Than to divide the spoil with the proud (haughty, arrogant).

There is a way which seems right to a man and appears straight before him,
But its end is the way of death.

A bribe is like a bright, precious stone in the eyes of its owner;
Wherever he turns, he prospers.

A reprimand goes deeper into one who has understanding and a teachable spirit
Than a hundred lashes into a fool.

Let a man meet a [ferocious] bear robbed of her cubs
Rather than the [angry, narcissistic] fool in his folly.

When the wicked man comes [to the depth of evil], contempt [of all that is pure and good] also comes,
And with inner baseness (dishonor) comes outer shame (scorn).

That which is desirable in a man is his loyalty and unfailing love,
But it is better to be a poor man than a [wealthy] liar.

Blows that wound cleanse away evil,
And strokes reach to the innermost parts.

A good name [earned by honorable behavior, godly wisdom, moral courage, and personal integrity] is more desirable than great riches;
And favor is better than silver and gold.

So that your trust and reliance and confidence may be in the Lord,
I have taught these things to you today, even to you.

To let you know the certainty of the words of truth,
That you may give a correct answer to him who sent you?

For it is better that it be said to you, “Come up here,”
Than for you to be placed lower in the presence of the prince,
Whom your eyes have seen.

It is better to live in a corner of the housetop [on the flat roof, exposed to the weather]
Than in a house shared with a quarrelsome (contentious) woman.

Like a city that is broken down and without walls [leaving it unprotected]
Is a man who has no self-control over his spirit [and sets himself up for trouble].

Like a thorn that goes [without being felt] into the hand of a drunken man,
So is a proverb in the mouth of a fool [who remains unaffected by its wisdom].

The lazy person is wiser in his own eyes
Than seven [sensible] men who can give a discreet answer.

Like one who grabs a dog by the ears [and is likely to be bitten]
Is he who, passing by, stops to meddle with a dispute that is none of his business.

Stone is heavy and the sand weighty,
But a fool’s [unreasonable] wrath is heavier and more burdensome than both of them.

Like a bird that wanders from her nest [with its comfort and safety],
So is a man who wanders from his home.

My son, be wise, and make my heart glad,
That I may reply to him who reproaches (reprimands, criticizes) me.

The refining pot is for silver and the furnace for gold [to separate the impurities of the metal],
And each is tested by the praise given to him [and his response to it, whether humble or proud].

To have regard for one person over another and to show favoritism is not good,
Because for a piece of bread a man will transgress.

He who [appropriately] reprimands a [wise] man will afterward find more favor
Than he who flatters with the tongue.

Do you see a [conceited] man who speaks quickly [offering his opinions or answering without thinking]?
There is more hope for a [thickheaded] fool than for him.

I have not learned [skillful and godly] wisdom,
Nor do I have knowledge of the Holy One [who is the source of wisdom].

The leech has two daughters,
“Give, give!”
There are three things that are never satisfied,
Four that do not say, “It is enough”:

Do not give your [generative] strength to women [neither foreign wives in marriages of alliances, nor concubines],
Nor your ways to that which destroys kings.

She sees that her gain is good;
Her lamp does not go out, but it burns continually through the night [she is prepared for whatever lies ahead].

She makes for herself coverlets, cushions, and rugs of tapestry.
Her clothing is linen, pure and fine, and purple [wool].

She makes [fine] linen garments and sells them;
And supplies sashes to the merchants.

“Many daughters have done nobly, and well [with the strength of character that is steadfast in goodness],
But you excel them all.”