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and it hath come to pass in that day that I have broken the bow of Israel, in the valley of Jezreel.'

and the house of Judah I pity, and have saved them by Jehovah their God, and do not save them by bow, and by sword, and by battle, by horses, and by horsemen.'

And I have turned aside the names of the lords from her mouth, And they are not remembered any more by their name.

And I have made to them a covenant in that day, with the beast of the field, And with the fowl of the heavens, And the creeping thing of the ground, And bow, and sword, and war I break from off the land, And have caused them to lie down confidently.

And I buy her to me for fifteen silverlings, and a homer and a letech of barley;

And humbled hath been the excellency of Israel to his face, And Israel and Ephraim stumble by their iniquity, Stumbled also hath Judah with them.

They turn back -- not to the Most High, They have been as a deceitful bow, Fall by sword do their princes, From the insolence of their tongue, This is their derision in the land of Egypt!

They have made kings, and not by Me, They have made princes, and I have not known, Their silver and their gold they have made to them idols, So that they are cut off.

For they -- they have gone up to Asshur, A wild ass alone by himself is Ephraim, They have hired lovers!

And I have caused Ephraim to go on foot, Taking them by their arms, And they have not known that I strengthened them.

In the womb he took his brother by the heel, And by his strength he was a prince with God,

Yea, he is a prince unto the Messenger, And he overcometh by weeping, And he maketh supplication to Him, At Bethel He doth find him, And there He doth speak with us,

And I have spoken unto the prophets, And I have multiplied vision, And by the hand of the prophets I use similes.

And by a prophet hath Jehovah brought up Israel out of Egypt, And by a prophet it hath been watched.

And now do they add to sin, And make to them a molten image of their silver, By their own understanding -- idols, A work of artisans -- all of it, Of them they say, who are sacrificers among men, 'The calves let them kiss.'

And I am to them as a lion, As a leopard by the way I look out.

Turn back, O Israel, unto Jehovah thy God, For thou hast stumbled by thine iniquity.