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favour and peace be with you from God our father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

by which you may be assur'd, that they will be punish'd by the divine justice, and that you shall be rewarded with the kingdom of God, for which you suffer;

that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified by you, and you by him, by the favour of our God, and of our Lord Jesus Christ.

you would not by any pretended revelation, by any discourse or epistle ascrib'd to us, be immediately perplex'd in your minds, or under any concern for the approach of the day of the Lord.

and with all the vile methods of imposture, to the ruin of those, who are averse to the truth, by which they might be saved.

To conclude, pray for us, my brethren, that the doctrine of the Lord may make its progress, and be respected every where as it is among you:

we command these persons, and exhort them by the Lord Jesus Christ, to stay at home, and earn their bread by labour.

and if any one should disregard what we have prescrib'd, signify it to us by letter, and don't converse with him, that he may be put to shame.

the favour of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. AMEN.