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I will take away man and cattle; I will take away the birds of the heavens, and the fish of the sea, and the stumbling blocks with. the unjust; and I cut off man from the face of the earth, says Jehovah.

Wo! to the inhabitants of the region of the sea, the nation of the Cherethites: the word of Jehovah is upon you, O Canaan, the land of the rovers, and I destroyed thee from none inhabiting.

And the region of the sea was a dwelling, and a cutting off of the shepherds and sheepfolds.

Jehovah removed thy judgments, be turned away thine enemy: the king of Israel, Jehovah in the midst of thee: thou shalt no more see evil.

In that day he will say to Jerusalem, Thou shalt not fear: O Zion, thy hands shall not be slack.