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because I hear of your love and of the faith which you have towards the Lord Jesus and which you manifest towards all God's people;

Therefore, though I might with Christ's authority speak very freely and order you to do what is fitting,

it is for love's sake that--instead of that--although I am none other than Paul the aged, and am now also a prisoner for Christ Jesus,

I am sending him back to you, though in so doing I send part of myself.

Only I wished to do nothing without your consent, so that his kind action of yours might not be done under pressure, but might be a voluntary one.

I Paul write this with my own hand--I will pay you in full. (I say nothing of the fact that you owe me even your own self.)

Yes, brother, do me this favour for the Lord's sake. Refresh my heart in Christ.

I write to you in the full confidence that you will meet my wishes, for I know you will do even more than I say.